Dennis McCauley
Dennis McCauley
Co-Manager Traverse City Operations
Senior Environmental Scientist

Dennis is a GLEC Senior Environmental Scientist with 30 years of experience performing environmental studies and assessments. He has first-hand experience leading and working on numerous laboratory studies and field surveys of contaminated water and sediment throughout the United States, including his role as manager for GLEC’s many work assignments concerned with USEPA’s National Aquatic Resource Surveys program and Michigan’s surface water quality monitoring and assessment programs. His experience as a project manager and principal investigator has ranged from participation in interlaboratory validation of specific test protocols to large complex field studies that assess the impact of complex effluents, sediments, storm water, and single chemicals on aquatic biota, water and sediment quality, fisheries, habitat, invertebrates and water and sediment quality. Mr. McCauley has also managed and successfully completed several studies in the Great Lakes that inventoried critical shoreline habitats, assessed water quality and forage fish abundance, and assessed the impact of storm water on water quality using bacteriological techniques. Dennis holds an MS-PD in Fishery Biology from the University of Wisconsin.


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Great Lakes Environmental Center

739 Hastings Street
Traverse City, MI   49686

Phone: (231) 941-2230
Fax: (231) 941-2240