Great Lakes Environmental Center
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National Wetland Condition Assessment (NWCA)

For the 2011 NWCA season, GLEC field crews were tasked with sampling in the Great Lakes, Louisiana and Mississippi.  GLEC designed, developed and distributed unique specialized field survey soil sampling equipment to meet specific sampling objectives. GLEC project leaders trained national trainers and state and consultant sampling teams; assisted EPA with the design and delivery of the NWCA field operations manual and Quality Assurance Project Plan Laboratory Operations Manual; and provided logistical support with scheduling and project tracking of laboratory analyses and field data. For the 2016 NWCA survey, GLEC delivered and coordinated training of national field crews and provided logistical support preparing and shipping field equipment to crews along with coordinating and tracking all field samples and survey data. As an outcome of NWCA program development, GLEC researchers published a manuscript in the journal Environmental Monitoring and Assessment entitled Applying Adaptive Management and Lessons Learned from National Assessments to Address Logistical Challenges in the National Wetlands Condition Assessment.

Great Lakes Environmental Center

739 Hastings Street
Traverse City, MI   49686

Phone: (231) 941-2230
Fax: (231) 941-2240