
Keeping you up-to-date on the latest...

GLEC Conducts NARS Coastal Assessments for USEPA
May 25, 2011 In 2010 EPA initiated a survey and assessment of 1,500 randomly selected coastal areas throughout the conterminous U.S. for the National Coastal Conditions Assessment (NCCA) phase of the multi-year National Aquatic Resource surveys (NARS). The study will ...
GLEC Supports USEPA's National Wetlands Conditions Assessment
March 28, 2012 In 2011 EPA initiated a survey and assessment of 900 randomly selected wetland sites throughout the conterminous U.S. for the National Wetlands Conditions Assessment (NWCA) phase of the multi-year National Aquatic Resource surveys (NARS). The study will ...
GLEC a Key Player in National Watershed Protection Contract
December 14, 2012 U.S. EPA has selected five contractors to support the Agency’s national watershed protection efforts under the contract “Technical Support for Assessment and Watershed Protection”. The five-year $107.6 million Office of Water contract began in October 2012 and ...
2012 National Lakes Assessment Field Season Completed
December 14, 2012 The U.S. EPA’s National Aquatic Resource Surveys (NARS) program is an ongoing statistical survey and assessment of the condition of the Nation’s surface waters. Each annual survey is designed to generate statistically valid estimates of the ecological ...
GLEC Wins $11.7 Million U.S. EPA Office of Water Contract
October 3, 2014 GLEC was awarded an $11.7 million five year national contract from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to provide technical and regulatory support for the development and implementation of ecological criteria designed to protect water quality and aquatic ...
Great Lakes Environmental Center

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Traverse City, MI   49686

Phone: (231) 941-2230
Fax: (231) 941-2240